CBM is an international development organisation, committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world.

CBM acts upon the needs and rights of people with disabilities and supports the provision of more than 900 projects in more than 90 countries. It is estimated that CBM reaches out to 23 million people worldwide across Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and South America.

Wherever possible, it is their aim to provide these services within the communities and therefore Community-Based Rehabilitation programmes are provided where possible to leave communities with a legacy of skills.

Cause & Prevention

Their focus is on the prevention and treatment of diseases wherever possible, and on education and rehabilitation so that people with disability can be included into their society as equals and lead a largely independent life.

CBM always works in partnership with national and local organisations and provides an important advocacy link for people who have a sensory or physical disability, to their respective governments.

How you can help

There are many ways that you can get involved with CBM:
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Charitable Trusts
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Ebay for Charity
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Celebrity supporters 3

CBM has received support from the following celebrities listed on this site:


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