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Sir Roger Moore and Joanna Lumley are supporting a campaign to toughen animal anti-cruelty laws in the island of Guernsey.

Guernsey’s Protecting Animal Welfare (PAW) are working to introduce a more modern law on preventing animal cruelty while enforcing laws already in existence.

Joanna Lumley OBE said, "Your campaign for animal welfare in Guernsey has my full support; I am ever grateful to the great writer Henry Beston who had this to say:

‘For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older than ours, they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with us in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth.’

I hope that the glorious island of Guernsey will introduce laws which will protect all its creatures; the sooner the better, for them and for us all as well."

Sir Roger Moore KBE and PETA Person of the Year sent a signed book to PAW, and wrote: “It greatly saddens me to see or hear of any mistreatment, and I wonder how the people so needlessly inflicting or standing by without saying anything would feel if the tables were turned?”

PETA UK sent a message of solidarity to PAW, saying: “We wish you the best of luck in your efforts to introduce anti-cruelty laws in Guernsey. The animals of Guernsey deserve our respect and consideration and they certainly deserve a voice in legislation. We applaud your endeavors to help protect animals and establish their right to live free from pain and suffering at human hands. For all you do for the animals, thank you so much.”

Also putting their support behind the organization are actor John Nettles, TV presenter Selina Scott and David Nugent who donated a Coronation Street signed photo and an item of clothing worn by a cast member to the cause.

For more information, visit the PAW website

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