“Front Page” with James Earl Jones is a public television program that airs episodes to highlight many of the largest issues facing the US and the world.

A recent episode focused on ways that organizations and philanthropies are aiding the homeless population of America.

Many people understand that homelessness is a major problem for modern society. With the holiday season rapidly approaching, homeless families are in need now more than ever. Many people who are homeless simply want a hot meal or shelter from the cold weather. With this in mind, there are numerous organizations and charities that generously donate their time to help people in need. A new episode of “Front Page”, distributed to PBS Member stations and Public Television, will highlight some of these efforts. By inspiring consumers to participate and give time and energy to some of these causes, lives and be shaped and changed.

“Front Page” with James Earl Jones is a public television program that is carefully reviewed to ensure quality assurance prior to being sent out to national networks for broadcast to a larger audience. It has been the recipient of numerous awards and accolades since its inception.

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