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David Archuleta made a very special announcement to his fans at a concert in Salt Lake City earlier this week – he will serve as a full-time Mormon missionary with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for the next two years.

“I would like to make a special announcement: that I’ve chosen to serve a full-time mission,” David stolid his fans. "It’s not because somebody told me that I was supposed to do it, not because that I no longer want to do music anymore, but it’s because it’s the feeling that I felt that I need to do next in my life.

“It’s just the same feeling that I’ve always followed, tried to follow in my life. It’s the feeling that has allowed me to have the opportunities that I’ve had, the challenges that I’ve overcome and the blessings, too. And I’ve learned to trust that feeling, and I’ve learned that I need to answer when it calls. And that is the reason why I know I need to do this in my life.”

The church will be able to send David anywhere in the world during that time to proselytize his faith.

To watch his announcement, click here.

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