Renowned dog behavior specialist and animal activist Cesar Millan, from National Geographic WILD’s The Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan, urges schools to raise awareness about shelter pets, also known as Mutt-i-grees, with the second annual Mutt-i-grees “America Adopts” PSA Contest.

Cesar Millan urges schools to raise awareness about shelter pets
Cesar Millan urges schools to raise awareness about shelter pets

Mutt-i-grees is a word that was created to convey the desirability of any dog, cat, puppy or kitten at a shelter or rescue group.

The PSA Contest, a nationwide initiative to raise awareness of the availability and desirability of Mutt-i-grees, reflects the essence of the Mutt-i-grees Curriculum, a unique approach to teaching children social, emotional and instinctual skills as well as highlighting the individual characteristics and needs of Mutt-i-grees. Last year’s winning video from Trevorton Elementary School in Trevorton, PA included an original song called “Each Dog Has A Story” and urged viewers to consider a shelter animal’s feelings and to find their perfect pet at a shelter. The regional winning schools were from California, Texas and Kentucky.

Cesar Millan and The Cesar Millan Foundation are longstanding supporters of the Mutt-i-grees Curriculum, and have seen first-hand the impact that this contest and the Curriculum have had in our schools by enhancing the ability of children to consider another’s perspective.

“Last year we experienced such excitement and creativity among all the schools that submitted entries from around the country,” said Millan. “The Mutt-i-grees Curriculum has already made such an impact in our schools, and this PSA Contest allows our children to create the perfect message to educate and raise awareness of the plight of Mutt-i-grees while highlighting the same lessons we teach in the Mutt-i-grees Curriculum.” He added, “I am anxious to see what insight and creativity these young minds bring to their PSA entries this year.”

The contest is open to schools that teach children in any, or all, of the following Grades: Pre-K, Kindergarten and Grades 1-8. Schools that entered last year’s contest are eligible to compete in this year’s contest as well. To participate, eligible schools submit a creative Mutt-i-grees video Public Service Announcement (PSA) that motivates Americans to adopt a pet from a shelter. A $10,000 grant will be awarded to the Grand Prize winning school that produces the best Public Service Announcement. A $1,500 grant will be awarded to three regional winners. The PSA is a compelling message that can be broadcast, with the goal to increase awareness of Mutt-i-grees. The PSAs will be judged by a panel of experts from both the Animal League and The Cesar Millan Foundation based on originality, creativity and persuasiveness.

Schools can get creative and help make a difference in the lives of homeless animals by entering this exciting contest. For complete entry details and complete Official Rules, parents and students can click here.

Exciting prizes include:
One (1) Grand Prize: One School will win a package consisting of:

  • $10,000 Grant
  • A visit to the winning school by Cesar Millan, the host of National Geographic WILD The Dog Whisperer series
  • A trip for four (4) to North Shore Animal League America’s DogCatemy Rescue Awards Dinner in New York City where the winning PSA will be shown
  • 100 Mutt-i-grees T-Shirts

Three (3) Regional Prizes: One school in each of four U.S. regions will win:

  • $1,500 Grant
  • 50 Mutt-i-grees T-Shirts

The Mutt-i-grees Curriculum was developed by The Pet Savers Foundation, in collaboration with the Yale University School of the 21st Century, and was graciously funded by The Cesar Millan Foundation.

Source: PR Newswire

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