Kofi Annan and The Elders want you to share your thoughts of Nelson Mandela and are asking what he means to you.

Video: Nelson Mandela: uniting humanity around the world

“I last met with Nelson Mandela, together with my fellow Elders, three years ago in Johannesburg,” says Annan, Chair of The Elders. "This week we returned to South Africa to say farewell to our founder, dear friend and guiding voice.

“Many of you have offered moving tributes to Madiba’s courage and humanity, describing how he has influenced and inspired you. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts and messages with us.

“For me, his most important lesson was that he never sought power for the sake of power. Time and again, he invested his authority in strong, democratic institutions that would actually outlast any individual leader. Even founding The Elders was an expression of his belief in an idea that was larger than himself.

“I believe that we can honour him best not by searching for ‘the new Mandela’, but by realising our own potential – as men, as women, as citizens – to build the just, equal societies that he fought for.”

To share your own tribute to Nelson Mandela and read what others have said, click here.

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