Following the run of the longest-running, critically-acclaimed cable drama Dexter is an auction in the wake of its influential success: the “Dexter Slice of Props Auction” — one of the largest TV prop auctions ever held.

Highlights include Dexter and Rita’s couch from season four, a complete 49-page forensic report with Dexter Morgan’s signature, photos and artwork from Dexter’s apartment and house (including photos of Dexter and Debra as kids!), Debra Morgan’s “Lieutenant Morgan” door plaque, and multiple Miami Metro signs including the ubiquitous parking lot sign. There are also assorted lots of items from main characters’ homes. Doomsday Killer artwork from season 6 is also featured in the auction. Prop knife sets are available as well. All were used in the production of Dexter… and that’s only the beginning! Almost every prop is a major prop from the series.

The biggest Dexter fan will want a very special prop knife engraved with their name along with Dexter Morgan’s signature — only 1/1 will ever be made with the purchase of a $10,000 gift certificate. Gift certificates are also available in increments of $50 and up.

A portion of each sale will be donated to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, the world’s largest voluntary health agency dedicated to blood cancer. (Dexter star Michael C. Hall recovered from the cancer hodgkin’s lymphoma and is a major proponent of the LLS.)

Hundreds of incredible props will be auctioned off across two groups in the second set of the “DexterSlice of Props Auction” ending January 11th-12th, 2014. 170 of these props are major props, now sorted for browsing ease.

To access the auction, click here.

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