Although renowned for his friendly demeanor, cheerful disposition and winning smile, there are some things that cast a more serious shadow over Ainsley Harriott's face and that is to hear about the suffering of animals.

Lifetime animal lover, Ainsley, is joining the BUAV Our Best Friends campaign to put an end to the use of dogs and cats in UK experiments once and for all.

Ainsley said: “Cats and dogs are our best friends. Quite simply, they don’t belong in a laboratory but in safe, loving homes where they can enjoy comfort and freedom. Please join me and the BUAV in calling for these experiments to end. Thank you.”

Dogs and cats share our homes and our lives. 23% of British families now include at least one dog, and around 19% of us have at least one cat. Yet each year hundreds of cats and thousands of dogs are harmed in cruel experiments in the UK. They endure a life of misery caged in laboratories where they may never see the sky or feel grass under their paws. These animals are not protected by the same law as domestic family dogs, meaning researchers can carry out experiments on them which may inflict severe suffering and harm.

The BUAV Chief Executive, Michelle Thew, said: “In the UK, cats and dogs are our most popular companion animals, yet they continue to be harmed in cruel experiments and there is no Government policy to reduce their use, let alone bring it to an end. We are grateful for Ainsley’s support and urge the public to join us to make their voices heard by signing our petition today.”

Other celebrities who are supporting the campaign include Mary McCartney, Kirsty Gallacher, Jilly Cooper, Ricky Gervais, Paul O'Grady, Kimberly Wyatt, Chris Packham, Helen Skelton, Dave Spikey, Miranda Richardson, Wendy Turner Webster and Ann Widdecombe.

The petition can be found at

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