As we enter a new political era in our nation’s history, people all over America, make that the world, are concerned about the state of our country.

Songs In The Current
Songs In The Current

It seems as though the only thing that we can all agree on is that we are divided. However, we have been here before and we know that the most lasting revolution starts with a fundamental change in consciousness.

As a seasoned musician, composer, philanthropist and author, Peter Buffett has taken in all of the divisiveness, anger, and feelings of helplessness felt by many Americans, and has used it to create his most inspired and personal body of work to date. Songs in the Current could easily serve as the voice of Americans who for decades have felt marginalized and unheard. However, no matter how indignant this album may seem, it always finds its way back to its overarching thesis: that love is the answer. The emotions and ideas in this album range, but love is its fervent and clear gravitational center.

Video: Woodstock - Peter Buffett

Peter discusses the themes and importance of this project in his own words:

“Songs in the Current speaks to a culture that is stuck. Government can’t fix it. More jobs won’t fix it. Reform won’t change it.

“These songs were written to give voice to what my eyes have seen and my heart has felt in recent years. Over the last decade I have been exposed to people and their stories that have revealed the soul-destroying nature of our systems of finance and government, education and agriculture. Quicksand everywhere.

“No laws or legislation can give us the hand we need to pull us out. Only a fundamental shift in consciousness can do that. Consciousness that starts with love at the center and builds structures outward from there.”

Songs in the Current is comprised of brand new original songs, re-worked and re-recorded songs written throughout his musical career, and interpretations of classic songs, such as “Woodstock”, the lead single for this project written by Joni Mitchell and made famous by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. What ties them all together is the urgency they have in today’s political climate.

“All the Noise” urges the listener to focus on the sound and power of their voice in a nation filled with distractions. As Peter puts it, “If we can’t hear ourselves… our voice, our thoughts… we can’t know ourselves. Or hear others. Noise everywhere – authentic voice (yours or anyone else’s) is very hard to discern.”

“Room Enough” is a plea to those in power to concern themselves with the success of humanity, rather than their own personal success.

“Already Flown” is an impassioned call to stop waiting and take action, saying “While you’re counting what you own/ We’ve already flown”. Peter says about the importance of this song, “Don’t think the current structures won’t test you – both in the world and in your head. And not everyone has the luxury to get up and go. But for those ready, willing and able to stand up, now’s the time.”

In the upcoming years, coming together as a nation will not be easy. Songs in the Current offers hope to whoever will listen that if we stop, pay attention, and find common ground, love and empathy can be the ultimate revolution.

Songs in the Current will be available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, YouTube, and Google Music.

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