Actor Ryan Hurst, who played Opie on the FX series “Sons of Anarchy” and Beta from AMC’s “The Walking Dead,” made an emotional plea on his Instagram post January 22 about his goal to save as many animals as possible this year through his Ryan to the Rescue campaign with The Giving Project.

His post reads:

“It’s now 2020 which means it’s time to go big or go home! I’m determined to save as many animals as I can this year! In case you haven’t heard yet, I teamed up with @motorcityharley and we are GIVING AWAY MY CUSTOM ROAD KING! If you’re a resident of the US, all you need to do is head to, make a donation to get entries and you’re automatically entered to win. Proceeds are evenly split between @aspca, @ahanimalrescue and @k9youthalliance! I will be selecting a random winner at the end of summer, and they will be flown to Detroit where I will personally deliver the bike to them! Please help me get the word out and share this with everyone you know! These animals need our help!”

The Giving Project is hosting the Ryan to the Rescue campaign which is live at Campaign proceeds will be divided evenly between the ASPCA, Almost Home Animal Rescue, and K9 Youth Alliance. The lucky winner will be chosen at the end of this summer, and will be flown to Detroit where Hurst will personally present and autograph the bike at MotorCity Harley-Davidson where it was custom-built.

Individuals can enter their contact information for a free campaign entry, or donate at different giving levels for a better chance at winning. The more you give, the more entries you get for the campaign. The sweepstakes is limited to U.S. residents who are 18 years of age or older.

Learn more by visiting the Ryan to the Rescue Campaign page.

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