For over 35 years, The Evening of Readings & Gala Dinner has brought together an array of supporters to celebrate the power of literacy. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of Literacy Partners, which was founded by Liz Smith, Arnold Scaasi and Parker Ladd.

Hosted by Cynthia McFadden, the evening will honor former Simon & Schuster Editor and author Michael Korda who will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award. ABC News Anchor and author Deborah Roberts and TODAY Anchor and author Al Roker will be presented with the Spirit of Literacy Award. Droste Mental Health Services Board President, Elizabeth T. Peabody, will receive the Lizzie Award and HarperCollins will be presented with the Literacy Partnership Award. The event will also honor Award-winning author and poet Julia Alvarez; Academy Award-winning Actress, Producer, and The New York Times Bestselling Author Viola Davis; actor and author Ethan Hawke and Literacy Partners CEO Anthony Tassi as Champions of Literacy.

Literacy Partners strengthens families through a two-generation approach to education. Through free classes, community workshops, and educational media, low- income and immigrant parents and caregivers develop literacy and language skills they need to succeed. Their research-based programs incorporate child development and parenting support to help parents and caregivers boost children’s early reading, social emotional growth, and school readiness. Designed to arm every parent and caregiver with the necessary tools they need to create success for themselves and a better future for the children in their care. Literacy Partners’ programs break the cycle of poverty, improve job prospects, and close the achievement gap for children before they even begin school.

Pier Sixty
Sixty Chelsea Piers, NYC

Monday, June 10, 2024

Find out more about the event here.

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