Elisa Sednaoui Foundation

Established by Elisa Sednaoui, the Elisa Sednaoui Foundation is a charitable incorporated organization registered in the UK. It supports and develops mission-aligned projects in Egypt that utilize creative learning and the arts to promote:

• Cultural Exchange – Widening perspectives; Nurturing a healthy relationship with “the other” through social and cultural activities; Celebrating the richness of multi-cultural knowledge and the importance of accepting differences.
• Citizenship – Promoting tolerance; Building a sense of self rooted in dignity, respect, and a feeling of civil, social, and cultural belonging; Fostering civic participation and engagement; Encouraging social entrepreneurship and responsibility.
• Equality – Utilizing horizontal forms of education and learning; Providing nondiscriminatory opportunities for participation and learning; Nurturing equitable global perspectives that value others.


Celebrity supporters 1

Elisa Sednaoui Foundation has received support from the following celebrities listed on this site: