President Bill Clinton will attend and deliver remarks at the 109th Annual NAACP Convention in San Antonio, Texas, on Wednesday, July 18, 2018.

President Clinton will be introducing this year’s Spingarn medalist, Willie Brown, Jr.

The Spingarn Medal is awarded annually for the highest achievement of an American of African descent. The Spingarn was instituted in 1914 by the late J. E. Spingarn (then Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), who gave annually until his death in 1939, a gold medal to be awarded “for the highest or noblest achievement by a living American Negro during the preceding year or years.”

Willie L. Brown, Jr., two-term mayor of San Francisco, renowned speaker of the California Assembly, and widely regarded as the most influential African-American politician of the late twentieth century, has been at the center of California politics, government and civic life for four decades. Today, he heads the Willie L. Brown, Jr. Institute on Politics and Public Service, where he shares his knowledge and skills with a new generation of California leaders.

President Clinton will address NAACP members and delegates from across the country.

WHAT: President Bill Clinton to Introduce 103rd Spingarn Medalist
Spingarn/Thalheimer/Freedom Fund Awards Dinner

NAACP 109th Annual Convention

WHEN: Wednesday, July 18, 2018; Program Start Time 7:30 p.m. (Central)

WHERE:Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center (HBGCC), Hall 1

900 E. Market Street, San Antonio, TX 78205

More about the NAACP’s 109th Annual Convention

Other highlights include the 40th anniversary of NAACP ACT-SO (Academic, Cultural, Technical and Scientific Olympics) final competition and awards, a health pavilion, retail expo, Veterans’ luncheon and a diversity career fair. More information about the 2018 NAACP National Convention, including a detailed schedule of events, may be found by visiting

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