Here is your chance to join Charlize Theron and June Diane Raphael for a debaucherous night of karaoke.

Join Charlize Theron and June Diane Raphael for a Debaucherous Night of Karaoke
Join Charlize Theron and June Diane Raphael for a Debaucherous Night of Karaoke

A new contest from is giving you the chance to win this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and all you have to do to enter is donate to charity. The more you donate, the more chances you have to win.

Did you think getting the chance to hang with Charlize Theron and June Diane Raphael was a long shot? Think again. You and a friend will join these two amazing ladies for a night out to end all nights out. Your debaucherous evening will include good karaoke, bad karaoke, really bad karaoke (Charlize loves Baby Got Back) and potentially… shots. You’ll get to talk to Charlize and June about anything: their careers, your love life, what it’s like to make Seth Rogen cry. And after a night like this, you’ll be bonded for life. Flights and hotel included!

Proceeds will benefit the National Domestic Workers Alliance and the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project.

Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project’s (CTAOP) mission is to invest in African youth to keep themselves safe from HIV/AIDS. Primarily focusing on Charlize’s home country of South Africa, which has the largest HIV-positive population in the world, the Project supports community-engaged organizations that use innovative and community-specific programming to work with youth between the ages of 10-20 years old. These organizations provide critical resources like access to youth-friendly health care, sexual and reproductive health education, life skills, and psychosocial support—all of which empower young people to keep themselves and their peers HIV-free.

The National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) is the nation’s leading voice for dignity and fairness for the millions of domestic workers in the United States, most of whom are women. The national alliance is powered by over 60 affiliate organizations of over 20,000 nannies, housekeepers and caregivers for the elderly in 36 cities and 17 states. NDWA works to win improved working conditions, while building a powerful movement rooted in the human rights and dignity of domestic workers, immigrants, women and their families.

To find out more and to enter, visit

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