Caddy For A Cure offers the public the opportunity to experience a day “inside-the-ropes” at a PGA TOUR venue, caddying for a PGA TOUR player—with 100% of the proceeds going to charity. The Caddy For A Cure program supports its charities by raising awareness and funds from inside-the-ropes PGA TOUR caddy experiences. The program funds are distributed equally between five separate entities, each receiving 20% of the distribution. They are: The Fanconi Anemia Research Fund; the Wounded Warrior Project; the PGA TOUR Caddy Benevolent Fund; the PGA TOUR Host Site Charity; and the PGA TOUR Player’s charity of choice. This funding distribution method has allowed Caddy For A Cure to contribute to hundreds of charities around the world.
Celebrity supporters 6
Caddy for a Cure has received support from the following celebrities listed on this site: