Inspired by the phenomenal #metoo campaign and TIME’S UP movement, The Justice and Equality Fund initiative was launched by a group of women in the entertainment industry, in collaboration with women’s organisations and activists in the UK.
The Fund will support organisations and projects across three themes:
1. Advice, support and signposting: work to make sure people know their rights and can access good quality support for local and national issues. We want a society where everyone knows their rights and can access support to claim them.
2. Legal and policy work: support game-changing legal cases that can help improve laws and policies and create a safer future for us all.
3. Advocacy and prevention: create campaigns and alliances that protect women’s rights, promote equality and ensure safe environments.
Rosa, the only UK-Wide Fund for Women and Girls, has been chosen to host and manage the fund. The Fund’s grant-making will be opened in spring 2018. The fund will address priority needs, especially those of people in low paid, part-time and freelance employment, and those who face intersecting disadvantages related to their race, age, class, immigration status, disability or sexuality.
How you can help
Donate to the GoFundMe page here.
Celebrity supporters 24
The Justice and Equality Fund has received support from the following celebrities listed on this site: