Morgan co-founded the Earth Communications Office.

Morgan Fairchild, known to the masses as a captivatingly beautiful multi-talented star, began her activism through the back door with an early interest in science. In her youth, Miss Fairchild was a shy bookworm who dreamed of becoming a doctor. Although she decided to follow her heart and pursue a career in acting, Morgan never lost her desire to learn about the world around her, and it’s growing needs. Once she became a celebrity, Miss Fairchild lent her name to many political and humanitarian causes where she felt that she could have the most positive impact.

She has worked to increase awareness for AIDS, breast cancer, diabetes, pro choice-abortion, Planned Parenthood, over population, Doctors Without Borders, the ozone layer, global warming, pollution, desert preservation, Society for Animal Protective Legislation and voter registration with speeches, fundraisers, marches, rallies, bus tours, information booths, self-help videos, television news specials and personal donations.

Miss Fairchild has long been recognized for her works by Barbara Walters, Larry King, Bill O'Reilly, Chris Matthews, Bill Maher and Alan Colmes. Dr. C. Everett Koop hand-picked her to fill-in for him at rallies and give speeches on his behalf during the early years of the AIDS crisis. Major news sources such as CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC and numerous publications have also recognized her for her philanthropic work. Morgan Fairchild’s tireless efforts have proven that she has a lifelong commitment for effecting change.

Charity biography courtesy of Frank Holmes.

Causes supported 18

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