An initiative by Roger Daltrey, Pete Townshend & friends to set up units in hospitals and medical centres in the U.S.A. to cater for the needs of teenagers suffering from cancer.
Just as Roger and Pete have supported Teenage Cancer Trust in the U.K., it is their long-range goal to establish Teen Cancer America programs in strategic locations across the United States. A fund has been established and administrated by UCLA to cover expenses of the launch of Teen Cancer America.
“The disease should be a mere comma in the lives of teenagers, not a devastating full stop. It’s a big ambition, but we can get there by working together.” – Roger Daltrey
On Saturday, November 5, 2011, an event was held in support of the program, featuring Robert Daltrey, Robert Plant and the Band of Joy, and Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters. The evening featured a live and silent auction, festive cocktails provided by Patron, and an incredible rock-n-roll line up, raising nearly two million dollars.
How you can help
For further information about Teen Cancer America and how YOU can help, please go to TeenCancerAmerica.org.
Celebrity supporters 14
Teen Cancer America has received support from the following celebrities listed on this site: