Bob Geldof’s first major charity involvement took place in September 1981, when he performed as a solo artist for Amnesty International's The Secret Policeman’s Other Ball.

Co-founded Band Aid in 1984 to raise funds for famine relief in Ethiopia.

Organised Live Aid in 1985, also to raise funds for famine relief.

Organised Band Aid II in 1989.

Produced Band Aid 20 in 2004. Also in 2004, he helped British Prime Minister Tony Blair organize the Commission for Africa. Along with 16 other Commissioners, the majority from Africa, the Commission planned to undertake a year-long study of Africa’s problems. They drew two main conclusions: that Africa needed to change, to improve its governance and combat corruption, and that the rich world needed to support that change in new ways. However, world leaders did not take the findings seriously, so Geldof organized Live 8 in 2005 to increase awareness of world poverty and urge world leaders to create solutions for helping the poorest countries. He is now is a member of the Africa Progress Panel, an independent authority on Africa derived from a key recommendation of the Commission for Africa.

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