Coram has been improving the lives of the UK’s most vulnerable children and young people for over 275 years.
Coram was founded in 1739 by Captain Thomas Coram, a philanthropist who wanted to provide care for abandoned children left dying on London’s streets. Their pioneering work attracted some prestigious patrons including the artist William Hogarth and the composer George Frideric Handel.
Coram’s mission is to develop, deliver and promote best practice in the support of vulnerable children and young people. Their vision is that every child has the best possible chance to lead a fulfilling life. They champion what matters most for children, creating better chances, and a brighter, happier future.
Today, they still rely on the support of generous donors and benefactors to continue their work helping the UK’s most vulnerable children by:
Finding adoptive families who can provide the love, care and security they desperately need, Inspiring children to make positive, healthy choices by helping them to better understand the risks of drugs and alcohol, Upholding children’s rights and empowering children in care to make their voices heard, Providing practical skills and emotional support to vulnerable parents, so they can do their best for their children, Giving isolated young people the security of a roof over their head, and supporting them to take charge of their lives.Causes
Celebrity supporters 16
Coram has received support from the following celebrities listed on this site: